CPU processing speed: 0.06μs/step
I/O Points
- Up to 352 local I/O points,
- Up to 5728 remote I/O points
- Program Memory: 384KB
- Data Memory: 256KB
Floating Point
HSC: High Speed Counter
- 1-Ph: 8Ch @ 100 kHz
- 2-Ph: 4Ch @ 50 kHz
Pulse Catch Input
- PID: 16 Loops
- Interrupt: 25 nos.
Communication Ports: 6 nos.
- 1 Ch USB
- 2 Ch RS-232C / RS-485
- 1 Ch Ethernet (Dual-port Ethernet)
- 2 Communication Modules (Expansion)
- SMTP E-mail service & SNTP time sync
- SD card Interface
Analog Control – Built-in (LTPCM-DN32UA)
- Built-in High-density analog 14bit resolution
- Input 4ch/Output 4ch (Voltage 2ch, Current 2ch)
Positioning – Built-in (LTPCM-DN32UP)
- 4 axis built-in positioning control (Pulse type) up to 2Mbps
- Support Interpolation functions (Linear, Circular and Helical)
- Support CAM operation